Monthly Archives: November 2020
SEDLO Advent Service
Clergy And Lay Institute – November 14, 2020
WNCC-LO Virtual September 2020 Minutes
2020 November Lay Express
#IVoted2020 I voted early.
If you have not voted, vote on November 3.
Clergy and Lay Institute – November 14, 2020
October 30, 2020
TO: Pastors and Laity of the Western North Carolina Conference
This note is being sent to remind you about the virtual edition of the Clergy/Lay Institute that will be held on Saturday, November 14, 2020, 10:00 a.m.
You have an option of registering online for $15.00 or by mail-in registration for $10.00.
We know that you do not want to miss the discussion of the Pastor’s Compensation package and the overall conversation with our Presiding Elders. The theme: “The Church During Unprecedented Times: Doing a New Thing in Christ” with the scriptural reference Isaiah 43:19 “Look! I’m doing a new thing….”
The committee has worked very hard over the last several weeks to create, edit, develop and do all that is necessary to take care of the finished product that will be ready for presentation on Saturday, November 14. Therefore we need your registration by deadline, November 7.
Our Committee members are: Penny Oliver, Shontea Smith, Mary Harris, Gertrude Upperman, Dwight Patterson, Azzie Conley, Bettie Duell, Brandon Owens, Kenneth Woods, Betty Parker, Sonia Barbre and Adam Johnston. Let us keep each other in prayer but when you pray ask for a special blessing for Sonia who is recuperating from surgery. Congratulations to Adam Johnston and his new bride!
Please see the flier for additional information. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to give me a call, 828-433-8424 should you need to do so with inquiries, comments, and/or tell us about the new thing you are doing for Christ.
“May God bless us with a true spirit of Christianity that we may live together not as man over man but as lay persons working with God. This we ask in Jesus’ name…..Amen.”
Jackie, WNCC-Lay Organization Director of Lay Activities
Penny, WNCC-Lay Organization President