SEDLO Convention Reminders
Fellow Laity, We are so excited about our 17th SEDLO Convention!! So on behalf of the President, this email is being sent to you to share with your membership.
We need 200 or more delegates at our Convention!! All are welcome to attend & observe!!We can do it!!
1- Please be reminded that we will be at the Newport News Marriott at City Center, Newport News, Virginia,September 27-29, 2018. For hotel reservations, please call, 757-873-9299, reservation for Lay Organization, A.M.E. Church. Room rate is $124.00 plus tax each night.
2- We need as many laypersons actively involved as we focus on “Social Justice: Empowering the People” during the Convention. Therefore, we know that you are on top of convention registration deadlines:
$150.00 Regular Registration Until June 30, 2018
$75.00 Young Adult (18-35) Until June 30, 2018
$175.00 Late Registration: July 1- September 1, 2018
$200.00 On-site Registration
3- Per constitution, remember to encourage local organizations to participate also!! f. Each President from each organized Station, Mission or Circuit Lay Organization and six (6) elected delegates and at least one (1) shall be a young adult age 18-35.
4- Lastly, please forward immediately to President Patterson, the name & contact info for the various committees for the Lay Convention. Again, we are expecting blessings beyond measure at our 17th SEDLO Convention!! We want each of you to be present to experience an exciting convention !!
1st Vice President Florence J Warren
President Dwight Patterson