I greet you in the Mighty and Matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ!
The Western North Carolina Conference Lay Organization 2016 membership drive has begun! Membership dues are $6.00 for adults. Membership dues must be current for voting and election privileges.
The WNCCLO election for 2016-2018 Conference Lay Officers is scheduled for April 16, 2016 at Clapps Chapel, Whitsett, NC 27603. Membership dues must be received on or before March 16, 2016 for election and voting privileges. Please send your membership dues to the Credential/Membership Chair, Sister Niki Allen, 2913 Ashwell Court, Raleigh, NC 27603.
Also, we welcome your presence at our next conference lay meeting on March 12, 2016 @10 o’clock at St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church 44 Hildebrand St., Asheville, NC.
As President of the Lay Organization, I am calling on you as members of African Methodist Episcopal Church to join hands to continue embracing and up-holding the purpose and mission of the Lay Ministry:
1. To proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ;
2. To advance the present ministry of Jesus Christ, particularly as it is embodied by the mission of the African Methodist Episcopal;
3. To encourage Bible study and to uphold the Bible as our only source for faith and doctrine;
4. To promote an understanding of The Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 2012 as an organized source of our laws, government, and belief statements;
5. To teach good stewardship and respect for constituted authority; and
6. To engage the laity in social action ministry, reaching beyond the walls of the Church to champion goodwill toward all
I am persuaded that if we unite our hearts and minds together in one band of Christian love and allow ourselves to be led and empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve not only this great church of Allen, but all of humankind, we will see Him add a new agenda, with new ideas, to include the new ideas of this 21st century in an effort to lead the church from membership to Discipleship.
Thus, I implore YOU to join the WNCCLO, let us put on the Mantle of Unity and use all of our God-given gifts of the Spirit. Let us work together to allow God to be lifted up and glorified in the mission and purpose of our Lay Ministry.
Thank you for your willingness to serve!