Mother’s Day Greetings

We want you to know that you’re one amazing person.
You are so good to the people in your life. So considerate and caring.
When you give, it’s easy to see that it comes straight from the heart . . .
and it gives everyone around you the gift of a nicer world to live in . . .
We love how strong you are inside. We always see that quality shine
in you, and it reassures me to know – even though you face hardships and
uncertainties just like many people do – there’s a way through and a
brighter day ahead. You’re my reminder to be a little more brave,
to not be so afraid, and to remember that things will turn out okay in
the long run.

We love the way you don’t let the crazy, difficult days get you down. I
admire your ability to put things in perspective. To laugh when you can.
To cry when you must. But always to try and make things better.
We hope you’ll never forget how much we treasure just being in this world
with you. And I love knowing that everyone else feels the same way we do.
To your friends, you are everything a friend should be.
To your family, we know you are dearly loved and trust the best.
You are such a deserving person. And we really hope that all days are
as beautiful and as bright … as the ones you inspire in other people’s lives.

Happy Mothers Day’s from Western North Carolina Conference Lay Organization
Penny Oliver, President