All posts by Penny Oliver

Hidden Figures

Greetings my Sisters and Brothers

The Second Episcopal District’s Director of Lay Activities, Mr. Germaine Favor, has embarked on a project to highlight and feature “Hidden Figures” in our local churches at the Founder’s Day Celebration in Greensboro, North Carolina. Please submit a photograph and brief narrative (paragraph) of those in your congregation who are trailblazers, and have made significant contributions to society and/or to your church. Please send information to the Conference Historiographer, Sonia Barbre(  by January 30, 2017.

Thank you


Sonia Barbre


SEDLO Benefit Breakfast – Founder’s Day

SED Lay Organization Benefit Breakfast

The Second Episcopal District Lay Organization will sponsor a Benefit Breakfast on Saturday, February 11, 2017, 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., Sheraton Greensboro, Koury Center, Greensboro, NC, during the Founder’s Day celebration.   Second Episcopal District Presiding Bishop James Levert Davis will bless us with the message.  We look forward to all Clergy and Lay of the Western North Carolina Conference being there to support Bishop and Supervisor Davis.

To reserve ticket(s), please contact Jacqueline C. Kanipe, Director of Lay Activities for the Western North Carolina Conference. Tickets are $40.00 each.  We only have a limited supply so please respond as soon as you possibly can.


Email:; telephone, 828-433-8424