All posts by Penny Oliver

Lay Institute – November 10, 2018 @ Mount Zion AMEC, Greensboro NC

Registration for LAY INSTITUTE

WNCCLO -Form for Questions

October 16, 2018

Dear Pastors and Laity

The Western North Carolina Conference Lay Organization is sponsoring a Lay Institute for Clergy and Laity, Saturday, November 10, 2018, 10:00 a.m. at Mount Zion A.M.E. Church, 1420 Huffine Mill Road, Greensboro, North Carolina.

The following  topics will be discussed:

  • Dialogue with the Presiding Elders: Dr. Conrad K. Pridgen, Western District and Rev. Anita Thompson, Eastern District.  Should you have questions to ask the Presiding  Elders, please complete  the attached form and return to President Penny Oliver by November 1. You may email to:
  • The Lay Electoral College workshop will be presented by Sister Flo Avery, former WNCC-LO Director of Lay Activities and member of St. Paul A.M.E. Church, Raleigh.
  • Panel discussion: “How do we Bridge the Gap Between Clergy and Laity?”

Panelists will include pastors and laity.

  • Question/Answer session

We do ask pastors; itinerant elders, deacons; local elders/deacons; and  laity to register with your respective church.  The enclosed registration form should be completed and sent to Financial Secretary, Sister Mozell Weston,   12 Spring Chapel Ct., Greensboro, NC 27455.  Registration is due by November 1, 2018.

Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Jackie Kanipe , 828-433-8424 or myself,  336-565-0367.

Thank you for your willingness to serve.

Penny Oliver, President

Western North Carolina Conference Lay Organization

Lay Witness Sunday October 14, 2018

This year, the CLO will compile a list of the various Lay Organizations who observe Lay Witness Sunday.  Please forward the name of the church/ lay organization, location of the church/organization, the time and name of the speaker for the event to by September 15, 2018.   

Lay Witness Sunday
Officially, the Connectional Lay Witness Day was designated for observance throughout the AME Church on the 2nd Sunday during the month of October, at the Eleventh Biennial Session, in 1969.  Lay Witness Sunday provides laypersons with the opportunity to witness about their faith in Jesus Christ and their commitment to fulfilling His mission in the world.  This event was established for lay persons to carry out morning worship services at their respective local churches. Traditionally, Lay Witness Sunday recognizes the work and mission of all laity, which takes place within and outside the walls of the AME Church.
The Quadrennial theme approved by Connectional Lay Organization (2017-2021) is: Laity Walking humbly with God to Do Justice and to Love Kindness. The scripture reference is And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?  Micah 6:8 (NASB)