All posts by Penny Oliver

WNCCLO Election of Offices April 2024

To the Western North Carolina Conference Lay Organization

As you are probably aware, we, the Western North Carolina Conference Lay Organization will need to hold our election of all officers for the term of 2024-2026.

All offices are open to be elected at the April 13, 2024 meeting.  The Letter of Intent that is attached, needs to be completed and returned with other supporting documentation that you deem necessary to provide.  These documents should be submitted to the Nominating Committee Chair  (as printed on the Letter of Intent)  no later than March 13, 2024.
Please be sure to review the Letter of Intent for completeness.   Be sure all who need to sign the form will do so.
The Constitution and By-Laws, Article VI- Nomination and Election Procedures should be helpful.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.
My email address:     Telephone 828-433-8424
Committee Members are:
Byron Barbre, Angela Elam-Elam, Alice Hillman, Arianee Lynch, Richetta Roach and Jackie C. Kanipe. Nominating Committee Chair

WNCC-LO Info Lay Election letter

WNCC – Lay Organization – Letter of Intent 2023

Prayer for September from the SEDLO

Dear God

All authority is Yours, but you have given authority to our spiritual leaders
to protect and guide us. Today, we ask that you would give our spiritual
leaders, wisdom, discernment, strength, and resolve. Keep them healthy, safe,
and rested so that they can continue to pray and guide us through these
troubling times.

Give our spiritual leaders Your discernment on how to meet people’s needs as
they continue to pray and glorify Your name and encourage the Church.
And help us all to display courage, hope, generosity, and. kindness as we walk
in unity with you.

In Jesus name, Amen

Prayer for September by
Robert Boyd, Chaplain Baltimore Conference Lay Organization

Kenneth Woods SEDLO Chaplain

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Conference Presidents Share with your Members

Scholarships 2023-2024

The scholarships that were received for WNCCLO are attached and listed below.
Joseph C. McKinney Scholarship
Jamye Coleman Williams
J.D. Williams
Deadline for all -March 26, 2023
2nd District
Davis/McKinney Scholarship – Deadline: June 19, 2023
Kittrell Allen Adams Scholarship -July 31, 2023
Dr. James C. Johnson Scholarship – Deadline: June 30, 2023