WNCCLO Helping Hands Ministry
Helping Hands Outreach Letter
Helping Hands Application
WNCCLO Election 2016
2016 Letter of Intent
Leader: With grateful hearts, we, the Western North Carolina Conference Lay Organization of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, give thanks to Almighty God for His divine inspiration and revelation to our ancestors.
People: We thank God for our ancestors.
Leader: For the privilege of hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and the desire to live daily according to His Holy Word.
People: We thank God for the privilege.
Leader: For His Commandments to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to visit the sick, and to be a bold witness for Him.
People: We thank God for the Commandments.
Leader: For the teachings of Richard Allen, to minister unconditionally to the Spiritual, Emotional, Intellectual, and Financial needs of our brothers and sisters.
People: We thank God for the teachings of Richard Allen.
Leader: For forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation for all of us when our faith has been displaced by pain, despair, hatred and fear.
People: We thank God for the ability to forgive.
Leader: For continued appreciation and teaching of the History, Doctrine and Philosophy of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
People: We thank God for the leadership of our Bishops, Presiding Elders, Pastors, and Laity.
Leader: For spiritual guidance and Biblical teaching to our youth and young adults that are actively seeking answers to morals, political and religious issues influencing the growth and development of the church.
People: We thank God for the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Leader: With grateful hearts, the Western North Carolina Conference Lay Organization of the African Methodist Episcopal Church is thankful for the preaching of the gospel; the teaching of the Bible, Discipline, and Doctrine; the privilege to minister, to sow and serve; the forgiveness of sin and the promise of an eternal home in Heaven.
People: We thank God for the opportunity to Worship and Serve Him.
The official colors of the Western North Carolina Conference Lay Organization: Royal Blue and White or Navy Blue and White.
Laymen now have thus assembled,
In Thy blessed name, Oh God.
Guide us in our true endeavor,
Light the pathway that we trod;
Give us strength to ever labor for Thy cause
Give us strength to ever labor for Thy cause.
We are banded one in union,
To fulfill Thy just command.
May we be Thy true disciples,
Holding to Thy mighty hand;
Give us blessings from the fountain of Thy love
Give us blessings from the fountain of Thy love.
As we walk this Christian journey,
Let us keep our amour bright.
Let our works be pure and holy
That we stand within Thy sight;
Laymen soldiers, strong in unity and love
Laymen soldiers, strong in unity and love.
May we stand before Thine altar,
Pledging Lord to work for Thee.
In the vineyard, in the pastures
Let us Lord Thy pilgrims be;
Let us lift the cross forever to the skies,
Let us lift the cross forever to the skies.
Tune: “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah”
written by Frances A. Walston
“May God bless us with the true spirit of Christianity. That we may live together, not as man over man, but as lay persons working with God. Amen.